How to Buy and Choose an Injection Molding Machine?

Jun. 13, 2024

Choosing the right injection molding machine for your production needs is a crucial decision that can impact the efficiency, quality, and profitability of your manufacturing process. Here's a detailed guide on how to buy and choose an injection molding machine:

1. Understand Your Requirements

a. Product Specifications

Material: Identify the type of plastic material (e.g., PP, ABS, PET) you'll be using.

Size and Weight: Know the size and weight of the parts you plan to produce.

Complexity: Consider the complexity of the part design, including the need for multiple cavities or intricate details.

b. Production Volume

Low Volume: If you have low production requirements, consider machines that are designed for small batches or prototyping.

High Volume: For high-volume production, look for machines that offer speed, efficiency, and durability.

Customer Case Study for Wingtat

Customer Case Study for Wingtat

2. Types of Injection Molding Machines

a. Hydraulic Machines

Advantages: High clamping force, suitable for large parts, and generally less expensive.

Disadvantages: Higher energy consumption and slower response times.

b. Electric Machines

Advantages: Energy-efficient, precise, faster cycle times, and cleaner (no hydraulic oil).

Disadvantages: Higher upfront cost and generally lower clamping force compared to hydraulic machines.

c. Hybrid Machines

Advantages: Combines the benefits of both hydraulic and electric machines, offering good energy efficiency, speed, and clamping force.

Disadvantages: Can be more expensive and complex to maintain.

3. Key Machine Specifications

a. Clamping Force

Measurement: Typically measured in tons.

Selection: Should be adequate to keep the mold closed during injection; generally, higher for larger parts.

b. Injection Unit

Screw Diameter: Affects the plasticizing capacity; larger diameters for high-volume parts.

Injection Pressure: Higher pressure allows for molding of intricate parts and higher-quality finishes.

Shot Size: The amount of plastic that can be injected in one cycle; ensure it matches the volume required for your parts.

c. Tie Bar Spacing

Importance: The space between the tie bars should accommodate the size of your mold. Ensure the mold can fit and be easily installed/removed.

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4. Evaluating Machine Features

a. Automation and Control Systems

Advanced Controls: Look for machines with modern control systems for precision, consistency, and ease of use.

Automation Options: Consider machines that can integrate with robotic systems for automation of part removal and other processes.

b. Energy Efficiency

Energy-Saving Features: Machines with servo motors, energy recovery systems, and other energy-saving technologies can reduce operating costs.

c. Maintenance and Support

Ease of Maintenance: Machines that are easy to maintain can reduce downtime.

Manufacturer Support: Consider the reputation and support services of the manufacturer, including warranty and availability of spare parts.

5. Budget Considerations

a. Initial Cost

Upfront Investment: Determine your budget for the initial purchase, keeping in mind the trade-off between cost and features.

b. Operating Costs

Energy Consumption: Consider the long-term operating costs, including energy usage.

Maintenance Costs: Factor in the cost of regular maintenance and potential repairs.

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6. Research and Comparison

a. Manufacturer Reputation

Reviews and Testimonials: Research reviews and testimonials from other users.

Market Presence: Established manufacturers often provide more reliable products and better support.

b. Machine Demos

Factory Visits: If possible, visit factories to see the machines in operation.

Sample Production: Request sample production runs to see the machine’s performance with your materials and designs.

7. Finalizing the Purchase

a. Negotiation

Pricing: Negotiate the best price considering the features and specifications you need.

Payment Terms: Discuss favorable payment terms and conditions.

b. Delivery and Installation

Lead Time: Confirm the lead time for delivery.

Installation Services: Ensure that the supplier provides installation and initial setup support.

c. Training

Operator Training: Ensure that operator training is included to maximize the efficiency and safety of machine use.


Selecting the right injection molding machine involves a careful analysis of your production needs, understanding the different machine types and specifications, and evaluating your budget. By conducting thorough research and comparing options, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your manufacturing goals and ensures a profitable investment.

To learn more about  injection molding machine or to request a product quote, please visit Wingtat Plastic Hardware's website

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